项目分类 | 产业园设计

长春奶酪文化产业园/Changchun Cheese Culture Industrial Park

关键词 | 产业园区、体验商业

项目位置:吉林 · 长春

用地面积:62704 ㎡

建筑面积:50876.41 ㎡


容 积 率:1.00




In addition to meeting the general functions of the industrial park, the planning and design: reasonable functional zoning - front shop and factory mode; streamline design, in line with the tourism visits; architectural style, combined with the product quality of the architectural style, increase the commercial sentiment.

combined with the setting of road traffic, it is divided into three-axis and six-area general maps. On the facade of the building, simple Chinese materials such as tiles are used to create Chinese classical style.

The overall architectural style is dominated by the British style, using red brick and real stone paint as the main facade decoration materials. In the shape of the slope roof and minaret arrangement, create a strong cultural atmosphere.

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